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A Power of Attorney give someone you trust the legal authority to make decisions on your behalf when, for whatever reason, you are no longer able or no longer willing to do so. Whether planning your affairs for infirmity or simply for administrative ease now a Power of Attorney may be useful to you. If you travel abroad regularly whether on business or pleasure a Power of Attorney may be beneficial in allowing a trusted friend or family member to act on your behalf in your absences allowing properties to be bought or sold, or documents signed in your absence.
It is essential that both elderly and not so elderly plan ahead to make sure that their personal and business affairs are conducted properly when they become unable or unwilling to deal with them personally. Granting a Power of Attorney now can save expense later when it may be too late to do so.
Contact Jacqueline or Robert to find out how they can assist you.
Kippen Campbell are a welcoming and friendly firm. From your first meeting, onwards you will be guided through the legal maze with a person centred, open, honest, frank and firm approach.
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